Conrad Hall, Bishopsbourne
Situated in the quintessential village of Bishopsbourne, just a few miles outside of Canterbury, Conrad Hall is widely used by the local community for functions and is available for private hire, meaning its upkeep and repair are vital. Park Farm Construction were engaged to deliver essential repair works to ensure the property remains watertight, secure and safe for all those who use it, by installing a new flat roof system and replacing all surrounding external guttering. The works have rejuvenated the property and ensures its strong heritage, commemorating Joseph Teador Konrad Korzeniowski (Conrad) whose memorial plaque resides in the hall to this day, will continue for many years to come.
Charing Surgery
Following the successful completion of works at the surgery in 2021 to deliver a secondary entrance with automated access doors owing to the COVID-19 pandemic, the team returned this year (2022) to undertake the installation of an automated prescription collection point as a further post-COVID safety measure, allowing the efficient retrieval of their prescription.
Works to the busy village surgery also included new block paved pathways and replacement windows to modernise and improve the medical facilities for the benefits its patients.
Ashford Reform Church
Following the works completed at Whitstable Reform Church we were hired to reconfigure the toilets and add much needed storage space to the facilities at Ashford Reform Church.
Prospect Cottage, Dungeness
Delivered on behalf of the Creative Foundation; - as custodians of the property, Prospect Cottage has been sympathetically and lovingly restored to ensure the legacy of its former owner – artist, filmmaker, gardener and gay rights activist Derek Jarman lives on.
Previously gifted to the arts council following Jarman’s death in 1994, the property was subsequently reacquired for the public following a campaign in 2020 to reclaim the former sanctuary of one of Britain’s most iconic creative figures. With financial contributions from many cultural and heritage bodies and closet to home the Roger De Haan Charitable trust, funds were released to repair and restore the property to its former glory with refurbishment works that included new windows and doors, replacement of weatherboarding and full redecoration works, completed in the summer of 2022.
Situated on the beachfront location in Dungeness, close to the infamous power station and having fallen into a state of disrepair and subsequent disuse the external refurbishment carried out by Park Farm Construction has brought the cottage back to life as a rejuvenated creative hub awash with colour and now open to visitors from far and wide and with a new residency programme in place to maximise the property’s capacity to support aspiring artists to prosper and thrive.